Saturday, 12 December 2020

End of a very limited year

With Christmas approaching, we usually have a festive slant to our December gathering, but for obvious reasons I do not need to mention, we had to scale it down.  Three leaders were available and arrived at Kingsway, but only one rider joined us.  We did not go inside, because we can't, and it was a bit cold for sitting outside this month.  So, we just headed out for a short but sociable meander.

Only a few photos, so I will make them big!

I forgot to do a start up picture, but here we are as we left the Greenway; I showed the ladies the sharing allotment community green thing, which I had come across a few months earlier.  The idea is that local people can plant and harvest this small area, not looking its best in December!

We head out down Sandy Lane to Saighton and Bruera, before heading back towards Hargrave.

My friend had shared on Facebook a festive nativity / advent trail for Hargarve and Huxley.  So we rode through to Hargrave, studying each farm house and establishment for any decorations.  We did spot this one, day 7.

After further searching I called in to my friend, who was trotting around her paddock behind the house.  They had the presentation for today, but will not be up until later (was going to be a projection in the window, so not visible in the day anyway).  Never mind, it was a nice distraction.

We carried on through to Mickle Trafford, and Meadow Lea cafe where I had booked us an outside table, in a marquee.  

Farewell to 2020, here's hoping 2021 will improve through the year and see us back out in normal numbers.  There is a vaccine around the corner, but also possibly more restrictions as we pass through the festive season.

Safe and happy riding everyone!

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