Yet another sunny day and 11 ladies left Kingsway Cafe, promising to return! It was a little blustery, but not as windy as previous days. After not getting lost through Upton, we wended our way through the quiet country lanes, stopping only to let the Birkenhead North End Racing club pass by - I'm sure they would have struggled to pass us otherwise!!! :-D

A small pony came to say hello to us - hence part of the title of this blog. Then we went to Pl

emstall - is it making more sense now?

We also visted St Plegmunds Well - apparently Plegmund was a hermit who lived here over 1000 years ago. He was called by King Alfred to carry out reforms and eventually became Archbishop of Canterbury. You can read more about him at
So, after a few photos, we re-traced our steps (wheels) are also didn't get lost in Mickle Trafford on our way back to the cafe. We nearly lost Lesley and Maxine who, deep in conversation about the Ice Cream Farm, inadvertantly turned their handlebars in that direction - returning when they realised no-one was following!
So we all returned in one piece to the cafe for tea, coffee and chinwag!
A pleasant and sociable 11 miles.
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