Not actually an evening just for ladies; but one led by a special lady.

What an interesting, sometimes funny, sometimes awesome tale, told with such enthusiasm! Emma started in the north island, which looked fabulously tropical; suffered serious sandfly bites, had all sorts of weather, superb scenery, busy towns, lots of amazingly friendly people. She was on the national radio - several times. Emma showed us video clips, and shared her travelling friend, Kevin the Kiwi, with us.
Emma can probably add more information...I'm afraid I did not take notes!
The bike factory did us proud again with wine, drinks,cakes, nibbles. The fodder was supplemented by Ruth, with her 'fuelled by cake' book promo; and examples from the pages were passed around.
Copies of this book are available from Ruth, all monies going to charity. They are usually available on the ladies rides!
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