Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Big night at the Bike factory with Chris Boardman

Indeed! a few ladies joined many other Chester cyclists and CTC members for a big night of stuff.

Mike Cross, from our Chester & North Wales CTC presented a certificate of merit, marking the longstanding relationship and support from Dave and the bike factory over the past 70 or so years, with previous managers and incarnations of the shop.  (Originally Masons I understand, I remember it as Davies Bros in Cuppin Street - in fact I briefly worked there for a summer season!).

Then Chris told us a few tales from his cycling achievments, which was enjoyable and entertaining, and his colleague told us about his new bike range.

Then it was networking and chatting and photos and signing, I did manage to pull together all the CTC ladies I could muster - if you look really carefully you will see Chris in among us!

Then a few of us retired to the Spital Vaults behing the shop - and who should come in after 10 mins but the entire Bike factory entourage and Chris (again!).  Sprung!

(photos will follow!)

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