Over the years I have engaged with other events that are happening, such as the Billie Rides, Sports Relief, local rhino hunt....well, it is all documented through our history.
Ten years ago, the first Fancy Women Bike Ride was held in Izmir, Turkey to draw attention to World Car Free Day. This event was created by Sema Gur as a Facebook event, and reached many women by word of mouth; 300 women participated to that first bicycle tour. Women, dressed in their most beautiful clothes, decorating their bikes with flowers and ribbons, gathered in the city centre and after a 3 km bike ride at a slow pace, they made a press statement and requested “the smell of perfume in cities instead of the smell of exhaust”. (Our Story - Süslü Kadınlar Bisiklet Turu (suslukadinlarbisikletturu.com)
Chester Cycling Campaign planned an event a few years ago, but were unable to hold it on the official date, so they called it a glamorous women ride. This year the Campaign approached me, to ask if I would be the lead for a Fancy Women's ride (FWBR) for Chester. By the time I had come back from holiday and met with Simon, it was the closing date for the event, so we got registered and started to make plans!
I met with volunteers from the Campaign in August, to ride the proposed route and think about sections and how we would do it. It was a very useful afternoon, and helped us to tweak the route.
However, a few weeks later we heard that half of the city centre was closed for a battle of Britain Parade, so we had to rethink either route or timings.
As the Fancy World is linked via an international Whatsapp group, it was really interesting to see posts from around the world, non more so than on Sunday morning, when reports came through from New Zealand, Malaysia and India.
Auckland |
Edmonton, Canada |
Freiburg, Germany |
Kochi, India |
Playa Del Carmen, Mexico |
Vancouver |
We assembled in front of our new market square, and checked off names of those who had booked in. We had 26 riders in the end, with a couple of fancy men who agreed to ride at the back. Our youngest rider was age 7, with her Barbie and horse taped to her handlebars (She was riding behind me as we came through Hoole, and was excited to tell me we were near her school, or the school her friend goes to).
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Setting off up Northgate Street |
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Crossing the inner ring road |
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Heading along the Greenway |
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Reassembling after leaving the Greenway |
We had frequent stops for photos and to re-group, including our Roman Amphitheatre. Despite having no sun, the day was warm and dry, and we certainly brightened up the streets as we covered our five mile route.
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Heading along Faulkner Street, bells a-ringing! |
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Along the back on Crawfords Walk |
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Stop to regroup and photos on the Canal Path |
We ended down at the Groves, just before half past three, perfect timing for a last photo and ice creams, courtesy of the Bike Bike Revival..JPG) |
We spilt into smaller groups to come through town; and singled out for Grosvenor Bridge, now we actually have a cycle lane here (thanks to the Campaign!) |
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A pause at the house called 'Nowhere', for some local history. The tales were told a bit further along the ride in Edgar Park
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Edgar Park |
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Finally we arrived at the Groves by the river Dee |
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An orderly queue for ice creams, with big thanks to Snugbury's for looking after us! |
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