We had a marvellous turn out of 34, splitting into 4 groups and with four new friends out for the first time.

Jane R led a faster group over a few hills via Tattenhall, and they managed to stop by the war memorial in Tattenhall for a minutes reflection.
It is something we have in all our villages, and we cycle past them all the time. Next time you are out, try to notice the memorials as you pass.
Welna and Linda both took regular steady groups, Welna headed East of the River Dee through Aldford and Churton, which was the return route for Linda and my slower group.
Crossing on the suspension bridge, we also found blue skies and sunshine!
The colours on the photos here in Eccleston have not been touched up, it was full of wonderful autumn colours. We even had to stop to take a few layers off, although Hayley found a bit much going in her basket on the front of her bike!
As my group were stopping a little more often anyway we did not manage the minute to stop, and I realised it was 11:15 as we came through Pulford - but also mindful we still needed to get to the cafe!
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